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Archive Monthly Archives: October 2009

Castle, Part 2

I guess the ABC Television series, Castle is popular!  I fielded quite a few emails and comments about the article I wrote last week regarding the brilliant marketing strategy ABC is using by

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Best Article Directories

Q:  I have been following your newsletter and your articles on Sitepro News for several months. I am the webmaster for a non-profit organization (Learning Center for Human Development)and I am thinking

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Brilliant Marketing Strategy by ABC Television

I've recently started watching the ABC television series, Castle, starring Nathan Fillion (who was Capt. Mal Reynolds for all you sci fi geeks like me out there). The series is about a best-selling author,

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Keyword Density in Metatags

Q:  Could you tell me how the right percentage of keywords in my meta tags?Reece A:  Hi Reece!  Great question!  Actually, there are three primary of metatags to consider. A metatag

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Training Overload

Over the past 2 months I've enrolled in 4 new training programs (yikes!) and have just received another 5 DVD set on how to create videos.  Good news — I'm gearing up for all new

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