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Zero to Zillionaire

Zero Chellie Campbell has done it again. Just when I needed inspiration to move forward, wondering if I were crazy to believe the things I do about my business, Chellie’s newest book, Zero to Zillionaire, arrives just in the nick of time to motivate and inspire me. I first became aware of Chellie Campbell when a client recommended her first book, The Wealthy Spirit, to me. That book is designed to be a daily inspirational read, as it has 365 affirmations for stress reduction.  However, I loved Chellie’s story-telling so much that I devoured the entire book in one reading!  And, it sits on a bookshelf near my desk, becoming more dog-eared by the day. (Isn’t dog-earedness the sign of a well-loved book?)

Chellie’s newest book is about money management, to some degree, but I got just as many life management and business management tips out it as financial information.  I learn best through the power of stories, and Chellie doesn’t disappoint, with a whole new batch of personal life lessons she shares with us.

Chellie always shares unusual and amazing quotes in her books, and here’s my favorite from this one: "All the problems of the world result from too much Seriousness," John Morton wrote. "Scientists from the Clown Academy have already discovered a new source of healing…the Clown Chakra. If people are feeling miserable, if they have financial problems, if their relationship situation is in the pits, if they are in ill health, if they have a need to sue people, if they find fault with their brother, then obviously their Clown Chakra is closed. When this happens…the cells of every organ display a sad face, and when the Clown Chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face."

Doesn’t that make you smile?:)  If you’re a solo-entrepreneur, I highly encourage you to purchase this book.  Get your copy here.

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About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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