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Publer, Your New Social Media Scheduling Dream

Publer, Your New Social Media Scheduling Dream

I’ve used a number of social media scheduling tools in the past, and have ended up discontinuing my use of them for one reason or another. However, last week I discovered the new social media scheduling kid on the block, Publer. Publer is a social media marketing tool that lets you create, schedule, and analyze all your posts, plus collaborate with team members.

Actively posting across all your social media channels is like sending the same meme to six different group chats-exhausting, but necessary (they don’t call me the meme supplier for nothing). Before social media can deliver real results for you, you’ve got to give your followers the content they want on every platform they have. But unless you want to spend day and night scheduling posts across all your platforms, you need a simple tool that can do it for you (plus much more).

Publer lets you:

  • Customize, preview, and schedule up to 500 posts simultaneously across all major social networks
  • Alternative to: Hootsuite, Meet Edgar, and Post Planner
  • Easily watermark and add signatures to posts, designate teams, and access comprehensive analytics

I’ve started doing bulk scheduling for my social media and have several clients for whom I do the same. There are other bulk schedulers out there, but Publer does everything they do and more, and when I discovered the lifetime deal on AppSumo, I couldn’t pass it up! Even if you don’t do bulk scheduling, the ability to watermark your images within the platform is a cool feature, as is the ability to recycle your posts, i.e. have certain posts, like those promoting your blog article, recur on a regular basis.

The first order of business for taking command of your social media presence is scheduling posts. Publer lets you schedule up to 500 posts at the same time using a multi-post creator, a bulk media uploader, a CSV file, or an RSS feed. Pick the best times for your content, or let Publer take the wheel and schedule posts for you after you define a posting schedule. There’s even the option to automatically recycle posts after a certain time—that way, you can make production easier or remind your followers about an upcoming event.

Simply create a base post, then customize and preview it for each social network, saving you loads of time. You can also easily watermark all photos and videos with your logo to make sure shares are benefitting your brand.

Publer supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business, Pinterest, and Instagram (coming soon), so you’ll have all the major players batting for your team.

You’ve got complete control of your posts after they hit the networks, too. Schedule three different types of callback actions to boost engagement: follow-up comments, auto shares, and auto deletes. Get those hashtags going in follow up comments, take advantage of your other channels with auto share, and clean up expired promotions with auto delete.

With comprehensive analytics, Publer makes sure you know exactly what’s up with your social media strategy. No need to bounce around to all of your social media channels, either. Check the status of one or all of your accounts right from Publer, including likes, shares, or views. Feel free to fiddle with the date range, too—you’ll get a sense of how awesome things have gotten since you started using Publer.

Publer also makes it easy to collaborate by designating teams. Teams are separate entities, each with their own social accounts, posts, and analytics. This is the feature that I use to separate my client’s social media accounts from mine and from each other. You’ll avoid that awkward moment of posting staycation pics on a client account (Of course I didn’t use the company card…). Control the roles and permission levels for streamlined workflows, plus set approval requirements for posting.

Get lifetime access today starting at $39.

If that deal has expired, you can pick it up for a monthly or yearly fee here.

And, if you’re searching for something to post to fill in on those days when you don’t have something to post, colleague Jeanne Beemer Kolenda is selling a Social 365 Entrepreneur package that has 365 This Day in History images. You can pick this up for $37 at the time of this writing.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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