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Archive Monthly Archives: December 2006

Superb Viral Marketing

This is one of the best examples of viral marketing I’ve seen recently.  Fellow blogger Susan Falter-Barnes mentioned it in her blog, and I had to check it out. Office Max is providing a fun

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Will a Non-Customized Site Kill My Search Engine Rankings?

Q:  I learned from a recent teleseminar that, in spite of all the hype about FrontPage, Dreamweaver, SBI, etc., providing easy ready-made templates for beginners … it’s most beneficial

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How Do I Blog and Keep My Day Job Safe?

Q:  What’s your (and perhaps others) opinions on using your own name when you blog and otherwise communicate with your visitors?  I think I feel better when I communicate with site owners

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How to Create Effective Autoresponders to Keep in Touch with Your Prospects

I often suggest to clients that they use the power of business automation found in sequential autoresponders as an effective method of keeping in touch with their contacts.  An autoresponder is an automated

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Holiday Wishes and Wedding Bells

I can hardly believe yet another year has passed.  Time flies when you get older..LOL  Weren’t we just worrying about the Y2K problem the day before yesterday? I’m taking off next

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