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What’s Your “Talking Domain Name”?

Many times when a business owner picks a domain for her
website, the domain name that is chosen and used is the name of the business
that’s already been established, or perhaps the owner’s name is used.  However,
a person’s name or the name of a business isn’t always memorable nor is it
always easy to spell.  That’s why I encourage my clients to get a "talking
domain name" that they use in publicity efforts, like for radio, TV, or
newspaper interviews.  So, instead of using the URL of their primary business
website, they would instead give a shorter, more easily-remembered domain
instead that would point to the owner’s primary website.

How important is this "taking domain name"?  I think it’s vital.  Which is
easier for you to remember,, or  The
latter is easier to remember, is easy to spell, and clearly outlines a result
that many patients receive at Jones Chiropractic Center. And, now that you can
pick up a domain name for as little as $2/year with some registrars, it’s a
no-brainer to pick several domain names for your business that you choose to use
in different situations for different purposes.

How do you pick a good "talking domain name’?  Here are 5 strategies you
can use to find the perfect "talking domain name" for your business: (note–the
URLs used in the examples below are only examples — I haven’t checked on their
availability nor determined if the domain is actually in use.)

1.  Problem that your clients have.  Do many of your clients share
a common problem or difficulty?  If you’re an auto body shop, your "talking
domain name" might be, for example.  Make a list of problems with
which clients commonly approach you and see if a great name emerges from that

2.  Solution that you offer your clients.  What problem or pain do
you take away from your clients and help them solve?  If you’re a web designer, might work for you, or if you’re a personal chef,
would do the trick. Start listing the types of solutions that you offer for your
clients and see if something catches your imagination.

3,  Benefit of working with you.  How do clients benefit by working
with you — do you help them get results, find more time, make more money?   
If you’re a Virtual Assistant, you might use If you install
home alarms, is a great benefit of working with you. Brainstorm
your list of benefits that you offer clients and choose an especially compelling
one for your "talking domain name".

4.  Description of what you do.  If your business name or your
primary website name isn’t clear about the service you provide, then use your
"talking domain name" to do that for you.  For example, I recently spoke with an
author whose website reflected the long name of her book — a name that was
almost impossible to remember.  She was getting ready for some major publicity
and I encouraged her to find a shorter, more unique domain name to use during
that PR stint.  I encouraged her to think about a shorter name that accurately
described what she does, and we decided that a domain name that she had already
purchased was absolutely perfect for her.  So, a domain name like or or might do well
as your "talking domain name" as well.

5.  Outcome or result of working with you.  What is the final
result that you offer your clients?  If you’re a dog trainer, a name like would be appropriate.  If you’re a real estate agent, you might use A money coach might use Write down 2-3 final
outcomes that your clients gain by working with you and determine if any of them
would make an appealing domain name.

Just because you might have a long business name or use your given name as
your business name doesn’t mean that you have to use either of those names when
you tell others what you do.  Pick a domain name that is shorter yet memorable
that you can use with great success in your publicity efforts.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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