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Your Prospect Attention Engine

In times like these, things can be downright scary. Here in the United States, businesses are shutting down and there are widespread mandates for self-quarantine and social distancing. This sounds like a recipe for disaster for many businesses.

For a majority of businesses, it’s not business as usual. Schools are closed, and many are working from home or forced into furlough.

These are issues for all of us right now…….but with major problems comes major opportunity in terms of your marketing.

Marketing is the engine that attracts the clients to come to you. When marketing is shut down, your business suffers long-term harm.

Despite the shutdown all around us, you need to keep marketing your business so that clients and customers don’t forget about you when we emerge on the other side of this pandemic.

If you continue marketing, then clients are seeing you, and many times you can schedule the client out a few weeks.

If you are NOT marketing on the day your state says that everything can return to normal, you won’t be ready. You’ll have to fire up that marketing engine and get it running again. Unfortunately, many of your prospects may have already scheduled with someone whose marketing they already saw, and now you lost a client.

While your marketing doesn’t have to be at the scale it was prior to the crisis, it does need to keep working.

As a business owner, how can you leverage this time of uncertainty to your advantage?

Audience = Attention (Without an audience or customers…you’ve got nothing!)

Without an audience, it will be very difficult to sell anything. As many businesses will come to realize, their struggle to thrive will likely be challenged.

In the short term, I think there is an opportunity for you to stay relevant in the eyes of your prospects and to continue to market your business.

I call this opportunity the Prospect Attention Engine.

The importance of commanding and having a Prospect Attention Engine is critical for any business. Whether you own and operate a business or considering starting or scaling a business, one thing is for sure — you need the attention of an audience of customers.

Right now, the Attention of an Audience has NEVER been more captive than right now even if you’re not prepared! Now is the time to serve that audience, no matter who or where that audience is in the world.

Having an audience that looks toward you for leadership, transfer of information and entertainment is nothing short of amazing.

How can you start building your own Prospect Attention Engine as soon as next week to grow your business and to be seen as an educator and advocate for your prospects?

It all starts with your Prospect Attention Engine book.

Authoring a book is probably a really smart use of your time right now, especially in times of uncertainty. I’ll be spending time over the next few weeks working on a few more of my own.

This Prospect Attention Engine helps you become the obvious choice….

When you become the obvious choice, prospects start chasing you instead of you chasing them. The lead – prospect – customer conversion process is easier, and the percentage of prospect to customer conversions are much higher. Customers will be eager to refer you to everyone they know.

A short book with you as the author can be used as the ultimate business card and a lead magnet for your business.

The book is in a unique format that is specifically designed to start the sales conversation with your perfect prospects by addressing the most common issues, fears, misconceptions, and obstacles with which you can help them.

Think of it almost like an introductory meeting you’d have with your perfect prospect. Some call it a “strategy session” or a “free consultation.”

Your book will be that meeting in a short, easy-to-read format that you can print for a little more than the cost of a brochure and hand out to prospective clients.

Don’t worry if you think you can’t write or don’t know anything about creating a book. We do most of the work for you.

I’ll interview you for 25 minutes on a topic we’ve agreed upon, where you reveal the most common issues, mistakes, and misconceptions about a problem you solve.

I’ll get that interview transcribed and formatted into a short book, with a cover featuring you.

The book includes your bio and branding, as well as full author credit on Amazon. 100% of all royalties will be paid to you from from sales of your book.

The book will be published to Amazon and available in softcover and ebook formats.

And, you’ll get 10 physical copies of the book shipped to you, with the option of ordering additional copies at author wholesale prices of about $2.15 per book.

I’m offering this to you today for only $997! Or, if funds are tight, you can split this into 3 payments of $350. 

If you check out the publishing options on BizSmart Publishing, you’ll see that this package normally sells for $3000. This is a savings of $2000!

I want to help you stay on the radar of your prospects by offering you this discount on a marketing tool you’ll use time and time again to attract more prospects to your business.

Here’s a link to a sample book.

To lock in your discount and get your own Prospect Attention Engine,





P.S. I’m offering this as a COVID-19 marketing special, subject to being removed when I’ve reached capacity.  If you snooze, you lose!

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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