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7 Proven Audio Marketing Strategies

7 Proven Audio Marketing Strategies

Audio marketing strategies are the newest “old” content marketing strategy being used. Reaching consumers via audio started with America’s first commercial radio station, which began broadcasting in 1919. However, audio content lost its way when televisions took over our lives and Internet service became mainstream. 

However, in 2020, annual worldwide audio ad expenditure is expected to hit 31.7 billion, largely due to the resurgence of audio content in the digital era in the form of radio shows, podcasts, or smart home assistants. How many of you own an Alexa, use Siri on your phone, or Cortana on your computer? Amazon’s recent purchase of the audiobook platform, Audible, has driven audiobook consumption to new heights, thus paving the way for all kinds of audio marketing.

Audio is a great way to expand your marketing, and it’s much easier and more convenient to consume than video. If you start thinking about how you can add audio to your content marketing efforts, you’ll improve your connection with your audience. This audio marketing, in turn, will boost sales by making a stronger connection to your target audience and current customers, creating more repeat buyers.

Here are 7 proven audio marketing strategies you can start using today:

1. Welcome visitors to your site with audio: You can add an audio player to your site and record a welcome audio, as well as answer FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) or give site visitors directions on how to move through your site. You can use a free plugin like Compact WP Audio Player to quickly and easily add audio to your site.

2. Use Audio to Increase Opt-Ins: When your target audience clicks to get more information for your products and services, how would it make a difference if you were talking to them with your voice to explain what you have to offer?  You can use the recording featuring on your smartphone to make the audio, or use free software like Audacity to create audios.

3. Create Audio Testimonials: Ask your clients or fans to create audio testimonials. You can set up a special number for them to call which records their testimonial. Then you can use the recording on your website. Setting up a free phone number at Google Voice lets you use Google Voice’s voicemail feature to do just that.

4. Add Voice to Your Blog Posts: By recording yourself reading your blog posts, you can easily add the recording to the blog post as an option for those who would rather listen than read. If you don’t want to do the reading yourself, you can get software to do so at

5. Create an Audio Version of Your Books or PDF Giveaways: You can record your voice reading all of your books or pdf documents so that you can publish a recording of your books on iTunes or other places where audiobooks are sold. Here’s a helpful tutorial on how you can create your audiobook.

6. Interview Experts Regularly – People love hearing two people conversing and nothing is better than listening to an expert talk about the things you’re interested in. Interviewing experts who offer solutions to problems for your target market is a great way to connect with influencers. Check out my article, How to Become Your Industry’s Leading Expert in 30 Days, for more details on how to do this.

7. Extract Audios from Your Videos: Another way to use audio is to rip the audio from any of your training videos, webinars, or live streaming events. You can publish the audios on your site, make them available to your prospects, or distribute them through iTunes. You can use a free tool like Audio Extractor to help make this job easier.

Using audio marketing is a great way to get new interest, find new customers, and boost your brand across the Internet. Audio can breathe new life into your marketing if you figure out interesting ways to use it, giving your followers and fans a new way to interact and engage with you.


About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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