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Category Archives for Life of an Online Biz Owner

Can Entrepreneurs Be a Good Spouse/Partner?

I wrote last week that I was playing the Millionaire Money Game.  If you didn’t choose to take me up on my invitation to play, here’s how it works:  twice a week the Bank of the

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Creating High Standards for Your Business

Over the weekend I watched the movie, Coach Carter, on DVD. Samuel L. Jackson is one of my favorite actors, and he didn’t disappoint in this movie.  The movie is based on the true story of

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Setting Your Financial Vision

For the last 2 months in the Self-Employment Success Coaching Gym, we have been discussing the "Control Your Finances" Strategy.  Part of this strategy entails creating your financial vision

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Blogging is the new Sex and the City column

Since I missed all the initial broadcasts of Sex and the City HBO TV series, I’ve been renting DVD’s to fill the gaps in the episodes I have missed on the rebroadcast of the series on TBS. As

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Reinventing Myself Once Again

My recent move back to Texas and my unexpected vacation just after the move gave me time to contemplate new directions for my business. For the last several years, I’ve struggled with how to run

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