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Reinventing Myself Once Again

My recent move back to Texas and my unexpected vacation just after the move gave me time to contemplate new directions for my business.

For the last several years, I’ve struggled with how to run and manage two separate businesses: my virtual assistant practice, which is something I haven’t marketed in the last few years and is a business I’ve wanted to close, and my business coaching practice.  It’s been quite tough keeping the two as separate entities.

I had a big "ah-ha" recently in a group call for the 90 Day Product Factory.  I’ll tell you more about that, and my product, in a few days..:)  The group leader had some technical issues that prevented her from being on our call, so we began our discussion on our progress for the week.  As I was telling the others what I had done, there were so many questions that I ended up giving an off-the-cuff-presentation to the group on some internet marketing/online business management techniques.  I then realized that if it were that easy for me to speak extemporaneously on this subject, I need to be focusing on this area in my coaching practice.

And, suddenly it hit me.  I needed to rebrand myself as an Online Business Coach, create a coaching gym for business owners who wanted to run businesses (or a portion of their business) online, and rebrand my VA practice as an online business management practice.  Finally, this felt really good and felt like me. The relief was definitely palpable and it felt like the struggle had dissipated. And, I love doing this stuff, and it comes so easily for me–sometimes I feel I can just spout out what I know completely effortlessly.

So, The Online Business Coaching Company was born. There’s no website yet, but some new business cards have been ordered for an upcoming networking event here locally next week.  That’s what I love about being a virtual business owner–it’s pretty easy to change directions quickly and not lose many people in the process.  I hope, however, this is the last major change..LOL..this rebranding stuff is getting old fast..<g>

I’m really excited about this new direction and finally feel that I’m coming into my own.  Look out, world, here I come — at last! :)

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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