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Instant Teleseminar

I’ve been doing teleclasses and webinars for almost 20 years now.  Even though new and cool webinar/webcast products come out frequently, I discovered today that the oldie but goodie wins yet again. I’m referring to Instant Teleseminar.

This service offers the ability for 20-500  participants to listen to the call live on a phone line, and 200-3,000 participants  (depends on the package chosen) to listen from an online webcast, which has about a 10-second delay behind the live phone call.  The webcast participants incur no long-distance charge for the call, which makes it ideal for international callers.

Other features include:

  • Unlimited use — use as often as you want, whenever you want.
  • 100+ customizable web-page templates – customize your event in 3  minutes!
  • Web event-page publishing at the push of a button
  • Question submission form for easy Q&A from your listeners
  • Ability to set up a chat with your participants
  • Ability to play events on autopilot (like for a telesummit)

One of my favorite features is the ability to configure an event and a replay page, which you can use on its own, or embedded into a page on your own site. If you use their event page, you can send out that URL to your participants, where they can get the bridge line number, report back to listen to the webcast or pick up a handout or a special offer that you’ve linked to on the event or replay page. You can also record a custom greeting and customize the event page with your logo or picture.

The most useful feature, however, is the fact that the service provides a primary recording and two backup recordings. One of the backups records everything between the beginning and ending time of the event in case of a problem with the primary recording. I’ve had to use this multiple times and was very glad I had access to the backup. You can show a Powerpoint presentation during an event, and the system records the PPT and the audio, so participants listening to the call at a later time can see both.

Here’s what the service doesn’t offer:

  • automatic event registration that links to your email marketing program
  • accurate info about which participants stayed all the way through the call or those who didn’t show up at all
  • ability to “see” and communicate with others who are on the call through webcams (like Zoom)
  • “on the fly” instant replay at a certain date and time for one participant (like Webinar Jam or Easy Webinar)

However, of all the systems I have used, this one is the most fool-proof and provides the least amount of technical difficulties.

You can access all of the features of Instant Teleseminar for a $1, $ 21-day trial. If you choose to keep the service, monthly packages begin at $47/month.



About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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