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How to Create Inbound Links to my Site

Q: The problem with me is linking, like how do you put the link on your site from the site you are linking to and how do they add your link to their site? As you can see i am new to this.


A: Hi Reece — What you're talking about is reciprocal linking, and that's no longer favorably looked upon by the search engines. What IS favorably looked upon by the search engines are one-way inbound links from high traffic sites.

One way you can accomplish this is by writing articles. In your resource box (your bio box where you can be self-promotional) you can create a hyperlink back to your site. So, a link to your site from a high-traffic site like is looked upon favorably by the search engines.

Or you could write a press release about your product or service. Keep in mind, however, that listing your release at the free press release sites does you little good. You will be better off paying to have your release submitted by a service like

Another way you can create links back to your site is to create accounts/sites on Web2.0 sites like Hubpages, Squidoo, LiveJournal, MyBlogLog,, Ever, Blogger, VoxXangaPosterous, as well as popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Technorati.
Also, creating a profile in Google, Amazon, and the social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter helps.

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About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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