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Creating a MLM team

Q:  At this point I have nothing to sell my prospects other than one of the two MLM's that I am in.

When you look at the big stars in this industry (take Mike Dillard) for example, when will he ever tell or write to his prospect and say "if you want to be part of my team and work with me more closely, join 
my Xango/Monavie/Noni/Herbal Life (whatever product/company) team?  Does he ever do this?

I've established myself in international real estate and magazine publishing as a leader with over $200 million of product sold and I have my MBA from Wake Forest U.  I'm not sure that its "right" to keep 
upselling my prospects when all I really want is to get them on my MLM team and then I will help guide them to success that way.

Where is my thinking flawed?


Henry Robinson

A:  Hi Henry–

In any business you have to have a bigger upsell.  In your case, moving
them from prospect/customer to being on your MLM team seems to be the
way to go.

I think the best opportunity to get prospects on your MLM team is to simply ask them.  I took a quick look at your site and you are a walking testimonial for your product, based on your success as told in your personal story on your site.  As I've viewed other MLM sites, the ones that seem to do best are those who truly LOVE the product that they're selling.  I'm sure you have quite a number of prospects who feel the same as you do.  Create an email that discusses your success and outlines how you can help them become as successful as you by selling this product and send it to your prospect list.

Some benefits of being on your MLM team might include:
–you're a walking, talking model of success
–you've got the business blueprint they can model in their own business
–you can coach them to avoid serious missteps in growing their businesses

You might want to pare the list down by using some screening criteria that to you indicates their possible level of success and talk to them directly by phone instead of emailing them.  Or, perhaps you might want to consider a direct mail piece that's Dan Kennedy style that sells them on the notion of working with you.

Good luck in building your team!

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About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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