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Cool Resources and Events

There are a number of really cool opportunities available right now on the Interweb, and I thought I’d use this issue of Authority Factor to make you aware of them.

1. Done4You Giveaway

For the 7th year in a row, the Done4You Giveaway of the Century is here with DONE-FOR-YOU business services and products — all FREE. No hype. No gimmick. All legitimate. All at no cost to you. This is one of my favorite giveaways and I look forward to it each year, as the participants offer some amazing gifts.

And it’s open NOW!

Get your gifts now!

Hosted by Linda Claire Puig and Kim Clausen, this event brings together industry leaders and service providers to collectively give away this year more than $2 million in actual DONE-FOR-YOU products and services — all to help make doing business easier.

That’s DONE-FOR-YOU, as in things you don’t have to create or do yourself!

Here’s just a SAMPLING of the AMAZING products and services being given away (50+ gifts!):

* Brand identity + website design
* Copywriting
* Sales scripts
* Custom Facebook ads
* Logo design
* Promotional emails that convert
* Ready2Go articles
* TV interviews
* Custom product launch plans
* JV pitch makeovers
* Done4You teleseminars
* Opt-in gift creation
* And much, MUCH more!

Get over to the giveaway now!

2.  Connie Ragen Green’s Productivity Challenge

Connie is a valued colleague and friend and she runs this Productivity Challenge every year. Today is
Day 18, and her topic is on how to easily create content for your blog and other sites. She discusses
guest blogging and using PLR for your posts, as well as tips for writing your own original posts and curating others. You can participate in her challenge at

3.  MEGA! Work Less, Earn More Summit


I thought this sounded like a cool telesummit that I wanted to check out, hosted by Barbara Aimes. Close to 40 of the world’s leading Lifestyle Business Experts, Marketing Professionals, Transformation Leaders and other “gurus” share what it takes to have a successful business AND a freedom lifestyle.

The summit begins on Monday, June 1st, and will continue for approximately 20 days, with two impactful interviews released each day.  Each interview will be available for 72 hours after the release day.

Sign up here.

4.  Dan Kennedy Book Offer — No BS Guide To Direct Marketing (2nd Edition Paperback)

I’m a big fan of Dan Kennedy, and own almost all of his books. I recently discovered that GKIC (Dan’s company) is giving away a copy of one of his books, No BS Guide To Direct Marketing (for the cost of shipping).   With this gift you’ll discover some of his most potent small business marketing secrets-the result of over 40 years in-the-trenches of direct marketing and small business advertising. These are the blueprints to small business marketing success to help you reach your goals.

In this cutting-edge “Direct Marketing Toolkit,” you’ll discover the secrets to attracting your IDEAL Customers, Clients, or Patients. Known as the “Millionaire Maker,” Dan has written over 20 business books, built and sold 3 businesses, and gets paid upwards of $50,000 to $100,000 plus royalties to craft sales letters and campaigns for clients, and over 85% of whom use him repeatedly.

Get your copy here.

BTW, Dave Dee, who does much of Dan’s marketing, is doing a free four-hour LIVE video training Thursday, May 28 (that’s today!) about how to create the ultimate 12 month marketing plan. You will discover EXACTLY what goes into a COMPREHENSIVE plan to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be AND reduce your stress level.  You can sign up for that here.

5.  Josh Turner’s Book, Connect

I’ve been following Josh Turner for awhile and have greatly benefited from his Linkedin training. Now Josh has a new book coming out on June 15 called Connect, the secret LinkedIn playbook to generate leads, build relationships, and dramatically increase your sales. You can get in on the pre-order for Connect, and he’ll ship you a physical copy for FREE on June 15, and enroll you in his $197 LinkedIn course for FREE!

Sign up here.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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