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BlogVault WordPress Backup

Blog Vault

I’ve tested and used many WordPress backup systems in my time, but there is only one that has never, EVER, let me down.  BlogVault,, has saved my bacon on more than one occasion, and they keep adding features that make it more and more powerful.

What I love about BlogVault is the ability to set it and forget it, to quote Ron Popeil.  I simply install the plugin and set it to backup my site daily, and I’m done. On the numerous occasions when I have done something that completely screwed up my site, I’ve been able to use BlogVault to restore it in no time flat.  

Another useful feature is that they maintain multiple copies of your backup going back 365 days. For example, if you install a plugin and realize in a few days that it has hosed your site, you can simply find the backup on a date before you installed that plugin and restore your site using that version of your backup file.  And, you can always check the validity of the backup (or ensure it’s the version you need) by doing a test restore to make sure that your blog is restored perfectly.

You can also use BlogVault to migrate your site to another domain, if you’re changing business names, for example, or to upload your site to a new host if you have changed web hosting companies. You need the FTP info to your site to be able to do this.

They have recently added the ability to update your WordPress plugins and themes from the BlogVault dashboard, as well as to set up a staging area if you want to overhaul your site in a non-public workspace where you can tune-up and tweak your site to your heart’s content until it’s just right and you’re ready to publish.

A second recent addition is their new security features called Malcare. This isn’t included with the basic backup, but you can purchase the backup service along with the security service for a slightly higher fee.  Malcare includes:

  • Automatic Malware & Hack Scanning
  • On-Demand Scan
  • One-Click Malware removal
  • Login Protection
  • Website Firewall
  • Personalized Support

And, their support is top-notch.  I’ve had a couple of issues over the years that I couldn’t resolve on my own. When I’ve contacted their support, they have always resolved my problem within 24 hours.

This is absolutely one of those business tools where you don’t want to leave home without it!


About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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