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Getting Out of the BS Funnel

I think I’ve been stuck in the BS Funnel (yes, it stands for what you think it does) for the last few weeks now. I’ve had it on my to-do list to call some prospective clients about my coaching

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Locking Up Your Store

I was speaking with a friend today about my recent website troubles last weekend, and we commiserated about another business owner that we both know who had not fared as well as I did in terms of restoring

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Niching Myself

I’ve just finished C.J.Hayden’s Get Clients NOW! marketing program. In order for me to be licensed to facilitate the program, I had to go through it as a participant. I’ve relearned

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Awesome Customer Service

Well, I’ve violated my own standards this weekend by working the full weekend to update my website. Check out the results at I discovered on Saturday morning that

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Giving Your Clients Some Extra Attention

I heard this great story today in a teleclass that’s part of a series of classes on multiple streams of income for coaches. Ester Beris of the Clown Marketing Institute,,

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