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Category Archives for Article Marketing

Article Marketing SEO: 7 SEO Tweaks to Make the Search Engines LOVE Your Articles!

I had a conversation with a potential client this week about her article marketing SEO efforts. She had hired someone to submit her articles to article directories and social networking sites, but she

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Article Marketing: 7 Steps to a Great Author Resource Box That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Site

Syndicating your articles online, also referred to as article marketing, is the #1 way to drive traffic back to your web site, if done correctly using an author resource box.  Why?  Because content is

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Article Marketing: How Writing Just One Article a Week Can Drive Massive Traffic to Your Web Site

Article marketing is still a great way to to drive lots of traffic to your web site, as well as a phenomenal way to demonstrate your expertise to potential clients.  In recent years, however, article

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Article Marketing: How to Use Keywords to Optimize Your Articles for Greater Traffic

Article marketing — is it the panacea to getting more traffic to your site?  I’ll have to give this strategy a big thumbs-up, as this one strategy is responsible for the greatest amount of traffic

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Getting links from video and article submissions

Q:  I'm writing and submitting lots of articles and submitting videos to build links, but I'm only gaining a small fraction of that in links that are found by Google or Yahoo… Why

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