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Archive Monthly Archives: December 2011

Thoughts and Quotes for the New Year

Wow, this year has completely flown by, and 2012 is on the horizon! Eric and I will both on vacation until Jan. 2, so we’re planning a relaxing holiday week. On Christmas Eve we’ll head up

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Postrank Analytics

There are a number of tools out there for measuring your blog success. One of them gives you all kinds of information about how many people are reading your blog and actions that they take after reading. PostRank

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Friday Finds: Need Graphics?

I’ve got 3 great finds for you this week: 1. Marketing Graphics Toolkit 4 Max has done it again with Marketing Graphics Toolkit 4! I just downloaded 330+ MB of graphics goodness that seems so over-indulgent,

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Rank Checker

One problem that I have with most statistics programs is that they either overload you with info or don’t provide the info that you need.  This past week I discovered a very handy WordPress plugin

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Facebook Marketing Done Right!

My friend and colleague, Amy Porterfield, is offering a no-charge Facebook webinar that is HOT! I’ve arranged two times for you to choose from on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 2 PM Eastern (New York time)

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