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Facebook Marketing Done Right!

Facebook marketingMy friend and colleague, Amy Porterfield, is offering a no-charge Facebook webinar that is HOT!

I’ve arranged two times for you to choose from on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 2 PM Eastern (New York time) and 8 PM Eastern (New York time).

NOTE: This is a pre-recorded webinar (I don’t want you to think I’m trying to fool you into believing this is live – it’s not). It is only being presented for my audience at two times. I attended the webinar last week and Amy’s presentation is outstanding! Even though I’ve been using Facebook since 2009, I took two pages of notes and learned some new tactics for getting new fans and getting more interaction. This webinar made me a believer in Facebook again..;)

How to use Facebook for your business – what works now, how to get seen by your fans, how to interact – is constantly changing. Amy stays right on top of the latest updates and best practices so I encourage you to sign up for this special Facebook marketing webinar.

Sign Up Here:  (there’s no charge)

Here’s what Facebook Marketing thought leader, Amy Porterfield, will cover:

  • Super Fans: What They Are and Why You Need Them
  • Essentials of a Facebook Marketing Foundation
  • Smart Strategies to Grow a Lucrative Fan Base
  • Quick Tips to Get Your Fans Talking and Engaged
  • How to Move Your Fans Up the Ranks to Super Fan Status

Register Here:

You are already spending some of your time on Facebook chatting with friends, uploading pictures, and staying in touch…..but it’s time you leverage Facebook the Right Way so you can reap the benefits of it from a business point of view as well.

Amy is one of the top Facebook Marketing experts in the world and she has some brand new information she wants to share with you.

Make sure to register for Friday’s webinar as you won’t want to miss out

Register Here:

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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