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Archive Monthly Archives: July 2011


I’ve used a number of software packages to keep up with my contacts, ranging from Outlook to ACT!.  I haven’t been terribly thrilled with any of them, but used Outlook for

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Website Marketing: 4 Secrets to Making More Sales from Content Pages

Once you begin adding content, like your articles, to your website, an amazing thing starts to happen with your web site marketing.  Your traffic begins to increase, as visitors are

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Getting More Fans for My Facebook Page

Q:  Hi Donna –  What am I doing wrong on Facebook?  I don’t have many likes for my page — how can I get more?   Sue Kerrigan https://www/ A:  Hi Sue! Great question!  I

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The Levelatorr

If you do any audio editing of files from interviews or teleclasses, you know that many times one speaker is much louder than the others. Now there’s a free software tool that adjusts

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Can a Psychic Use Affiliate Marketing?

Q:  Can a psychic use affiliate marketing? I’m a phone and email reader with great reviews, so I’d like to use affiliate marketing in my business. Noelani A:  Hi Noelani! 

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