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Archive Monthly Archives: December 2010

Holiday Madness

Contrary to better advice, Eric and I chose to make a foray into the mad world of holiday shoppers this past Saturday. After our harried experience with our shopping trip the weekend before last, we

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Discover How to Profit From Mobile Marketing

I can’t say enough good things about the mobile marketing course I’m taking now, Mobile Success Formula, with Dan Hollings. I’m getting an MBA in mobile marketing, and love the marketing

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13 Essential WordPress Plug-ins for Every WordPress Installation

I’m just now jumping on the WordPress bandwagon and am starting to convert many of my sites to WordPress.  Now that I’ve decided to use this platform, I needed to determine which plug-ins

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I’ve been seeing what I’ve referred to as “mystery graphics” in various magazines and on various products, but never knew what they were called. Now that I’m taking a

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Top 5 Reasons Why Mobile Marketing Will Increase Your Profits in 2011

Now that I’ve finally gotten a Smartphone, I feel as though I’ve joined the 21st century, techologically speaking, at least, and can begin to engage in the mobile marketing sent to me by businesses

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