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Archive Monthly Archives: August 2010

Does Your Customer Service Stink?

Even if you're a solopreneur, as I am, customer service is a primary concern, just as though I were a big corporation.  In fact, I think it's more important, as your customers expect you

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Internet Marketing: How to Use Your Website to Disqualify Your Prospects

How many hours have you spent this week with prospective clients who are great at draining your time and energy but can’t seem to find the money or desire to hire you? I’ve had my weeks

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Death Knell of Email?

I was reading an interesting email this morning from Google Adwords guru Perry Marshall about whether email is obsolete given the social media revolution.  If you believe the hype, email is taking

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How to Install the Facebook Like Button On Every Page of Your Site

Facebook is the most rapidly growing social networking platform, with over 400 million active users (and climbing quickly).  With so many users and with people’s preoccupation with Facebook, it makes

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Ethics of Giving Your Product Away for a Testimonial

I was watching TV this weekend and happened to see a commercial for The Total Transformation Program, (, which helps parents transform their child's behavior from that

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