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Category Archives for Customer Service

Does Your Customer Service Stink?

Even if you're a solopreneur, as I am, customer service is a primary concern, just as though I were a big corporation.  In fact, I think it's more important, as your customers expect you

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Great customer follow-up from Zappo’s

I placed my first order from Zappo's about a year ago for a pair of shoes.  Yesterday, I got an email from them reminding me of that order and telling me that they still carried this shoe and

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3 Ways to Improve Customer Service with Help Desk Software

When you start your online business, you have very few customer service issues.  Those that do emerge can usually be handled fairly easily via email or a phone call, and you’ll probably resolve

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The Secret of Customer Appreciation

Typically during the months of November, December, and January, online business owners feel the urge to say "thank you" — to their blog/ezine readers, to their clients and customers, and

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7 Golden Rules of Online Customer Service

How do you treat the people with whom you do business?  Many times what we forget in this online world where so much of our customer service is automated is that, in the end, we’re still doing

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