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Archive Monthly Archives: May 2010

Celebrating My Birthday

As of today, I'm off for a long weekend celebrating my birthday. I don't really have big plans, although Eric has carved out a few hours to take me to dinner on Friday in the time he has to

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Top 10 Ways to Have a Sale

If you need money quickly or want a surefire way to increase your cash flow,  it’s time to throw a sale. Having a sale is especially easy to do if you sell electronic information products (available

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Help Me Celebrate My Birthday!

Will you help me celebrate my birthday this week? I’m turning 47 this week, and I have a great deal for which to be thankful. However, instead of receiving gifts (although all birthday greetings

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How to Attract Clients to My African Tour Web Site

Q:  We have come up with a tour company that I am really hoping to see it grow into a multi-million company. The company is situated in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. I would like you to advise me

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Are You Amusing Yourself to Death and Killing Your Business?

I have to admit that I'm guilty as charged.  I just read a thought-provoking article by Alexander Green called, "Are You Amusing Yourself to Death?"  and sadly realized how much

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