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Archive Monthly Archives: January 2007


Given my technology challenges of the last week and the ever-increasing RAM requirements of downloaded programs, RAMPage has been my friend for 8 years. RAMpage is a free Windows utility that displays

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Putting the “Authentic You” in Your Online Business

I just finished reading and fell in love with a fiction book by author Angela Hunt called The Note.  The main character, Peyton McGruder, writes a column, "The Heart Healer", for a

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Technology Woes, Yet Again

My weekend and last few days have been consumed with getting my computer up and running again.  What started as a simple replacement of a power supply morphed into much bigger things.  I had

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Giveaway of the Day

This is certainly one of the coolest websites I’ve run across in awhile, especially if you’re a cool tool resource hound the way that I am ..;). Giveaway of the Day allows you to get the

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How to Create a Virtual Grand Opening

Grand openings and ribbon cuttings don’t have to be limited to businesses that have retail locations.  If your "real estate" is your website and you work out of your home, this great

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