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Archive Monthly Archives: November 2006

5 Internet Marketing Mindsets Required for Online Business Success

Many independent service professionals nonchalantly enter the Internet marketing game by throwing together a half-baked website without any plan and mistakenly believe that visitors will find them. 

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Moving My Ezine List

After much deliberation, I’ve decided to move this list to another email service. I haven’t been happy with the delivery rate of Ezine Director and have often been frustrated each Wednesday

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Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s now that time of the year in which we in the U.S. partake of our holiday where we give thanks, as well as gorge ourselves on too much food and football.  Thanksgiving will be a bit different

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How do I Start Publishing an Ezine?

Q:  Hi Donna–I am starting an opt-in newsletter and I was wondering if anyone has any experience in this.  What technology is best to simplify the process?  I  have looked at

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10 Secrets to Asking for Effective Client Testimonials for Your Website

I tend to be a skeptical consumer.  I see so much marketing hype these days it’s becoming more and more difficult to discern what’s real and what’s fabricated, and I’ve found

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