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Archive Monthly Archives: September 2006

How to Create Your Marketing Funnel Online

I’ve been working with several clients recently on the notion of creating a marketing funnel, also called a sales funnel, sales pipeline, or marketing platform, depending on what business you’re

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The Joy of Sleep

Since my late 30′s, and most especially since the hurricane last fall, sleep is no longer something that comes easily to me.  I used to be able to fall asleep anywhere on anything and sleep

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How Self-Employed Professionals Can Defeat the “Fraud Factor”

In my experience, there is almost always something that holds an independent service professional back from either getting his/her business started or ramping it up to full capacity and keeping it there.

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Birthday Celebrations

I was born into a family full of September birthdays.  My dad’s birthday is Sept. 11, my mom’s is Sept. 12, my sister’s is Sept. 20, and my ex-husband’s is Sept. 13, so at one time I was inundated

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How to Start Blogging

Q:  Should I start my blog now while I’m still learning how to build my "flagship" site? I intend for the blog to be a supplement to the site, which will provide lots more info than

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