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Archive Monthly Archives: February 2006


I belong to the Women in Technology discussion list, and recently got a reminder from them about the early registration deadline for their conference.  However, the email wasn’t like anything

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Top 10 Ways Submitting Articles Helps You Find Clients Online

Making the decision to submit articles to build my website traffic has been one of the smartest online marketing decisions I’ve made recently.  I’ve been publishing an email newsletter

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The Lifetime Value of Your Customer

About a week ago I bought a piece of software to help me submit press releases automatically.  It didn’t quite work as I had hoped with all the sites to which it submits, but did save me a

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The Balancing Act: How to Maintain Your Business and Your Romantic Relationship without Losing Either One

I’ll be the first to admit I’m the "Donna-come-lately" in this game of simultaneously managing a business and a romantic relationship.  When I was married the first time around

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A Marketing Plan for Life

If you’re still trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up, then A Marketing Plan for Life is for you!  I loved this book, reading it in one sitting late last week.  The

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