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Where Has the Year Gone?

It’s almost May already!  How did
that happen?  Wasn’t it just Valentine’s Day a few weeks ago? 
Now we’ve buzzed past Easter and are on top of Mother’s Day.  The
older I get, the more quickly time seems to pass by.

As I kid, I was always impatient to "grow up",
as I thought my life was going to begin then. Little did I know that I’d spend
my adult years wishing for the return of childhood when life seemed so much

Heart, the main character in one of my fav
comic strips, Heart of the
, is going through childhood angst at the moment, wishing for summer to
come so that she’ll be done with school for a few months and with math class, in
particular. In this week’s strip she’s awoken as an old woman.  I can’t
wait to see how this turns out.

I guess I should be careful of what I wish for…LOL

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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