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Are you unclear about how having your own solo author book can really help you?

My take on this kind of book is a bit different than you may have heard previously. I think of books as the new business card. A book is an effective marketing piece to give out at meetings or conferences you attend, to hand out to prospective clients, and to showcase on your site.

The goal of this book is not to make money from the sale of the book. The goal of the book is to use it as a vehicle to introduce the prospects to your products and services, and to sell more of your primary book (if you have one) that more fully outlines your point of view or your program.

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It’s the book that will showcase you as an authority in your field, get you more clients and customers, and lead people to all of the other books, products and services you have to offer them.

Most service-based entrepreneurs don’t make money from the sale of books. They make money from the programs and services that help their target market more fully explore and delve into the issues touched upon in their books. This type of book serves to position you as an expert in the eyes of your prospective client.

This book will showcase YOUR area of expertise:

  • whatever niche you are in
  • whatever books or products you have
  • whatever coaching or consulting or other services you offer

It defines you, your mission, your business and your brand, all in one creative self-published book. It will contain some of your BEST content, therefore attracting you the best clients and customers.

If you do any in-person networking, it’s an amazing positioning tool to establish your credibility immediately.

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One real estate agent said that his book created an atmosphere where his prospects sought him out. When they approached him, he didn’t have to sell them on using his services. His book had done that for him. It positioned him as the “go-to” expert. They came to him ready to sign up and be his client.

How different would your marketing and lead-generation process be if you didn’t have to go and search for clients? How much more money would your business make?

Normally I charge $1997 for this service of compiling both a Kindle version and print version of this type of book. However, I’m currently running a special for 5 entrepreneurs to have this book completed for $1497, or 3 payments of $499.

This will be available until Friday, May 29, at 5 PM Central, or until the 5 spots are taken, whichever comes first.

You can read more about what’s included here as well as sign up.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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