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10 Proven Methods to Promote Your Free Client Attraction Device

Your client attraction device, also known as an ethical bribe or free taste, is the information that you give away on your site in exchange for a visitor’s name and email address.

I call it a client attraction device because it helps to build your list. Unfortunately, just like a product that you sell on your site, your client attraction device also has to be promoted.

What do you need to do to get prospects to discover and sign up for your client attraction device?

Here are the 10 most effective ways to promote your client attraction device:

1.  Email signature file.  Offer a link to your client attraction device in the signature file of every single email that you send out. Once you have your email signature file set up, it’s the easiest marketing you’ll ever undertake. Both Outlook and Thunderbird offer the ability to customize your email signature, as do most online webmail programs like Yahoo email and Gmail. In your signature file, ask people an enticing question, followed by the link to your giveaway.

2.  Targeted domain name. Rather than having a long and convoluted domain name to which you send prospects for your client attraction device, buy a domain name that relates to the name of your client attraction device and forward that domain to the internal page on your site (the one with the long URL) that contains the squeeze page for your client attraction device.

3.  Article resource box. If you do article marketing as a traffic generation strategy, you know that a well-written article resource box is vital to the success of this strategy. List the link to your client attraction device in the body of the resource box, rather than sending people to your site’s home page.

4.  Back of business card. For in-person networking, take advantage of the back of your business card to market for you.  So many times the backs of business cards are blank.  Create a 2-3 sentence description of your client attraction device and list that and the link to your giveaway on the back of your business card.

5.  Call to action when you speak. Whether you speak in person to groups or on teleclasses, make sure that your primary call to action is telling the participants how they can pick up your free client attraction device. Give them the URL of your giveaway several times during your talk so that they write it down for later reference or sign up on the spot.

6.  Testimonials. Having your testimonial placed on another’s web site is an incredibly effective way to market your business. Rather than listing your domain name in your testimonial, give the URL of your client attraction device instead.

7.  Directory listings. Many chambers of commerce or professional associations offer directory listings to their members. Instead of listing your domain name when asked for your web site address, list the URL of your free giveaway instead.

8.  Discussion lists and forums. Many discussion lists and forums prohibit any type of promotional posts to their members.  However, most permit you to set up a signature file that is appended to any posts that you make.  Include the URL of your clients attraction device in your signature file, and every time you post to the list, your free giveaway is featured in your post.

9.  Blog comments.  It’s generally considered poor blog etiquette to add a signature file to your blog comment you make on another’s blog.  However, most blog comment programs permit you to list your name and a URL, which then becomes a clickable link on your name.  Instead of your site URL, list the URL to your client attraction device.

10.  Social networking profiles.  One of the best ways to drive traffic to your free giveaway is to list your giveaway URL instead of your web site address as part of your profile at Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. Now, when someone checks out your profile, they’ll be send to your giveaway page to opt into your list.

Take a few moments to assess your client attraction giveaway promotion strategy and implement the ones currently missing from your list. Implementing these 9 strategies consistently will significantly increase your list size and add great prospects who may become customers.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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