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Category Archives for Traffic Generation

Triple Your Opt-in Conversions with an Email Course

For years, I’ve been giving away a PDF guide and checklist as my lead magnet to entice prospects to sign up for my list.  This strategy has served me well as a way to grow my list. However, what I’ve

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10 Proven Methods to Promote Your Free Client Attraction Device

Your client attraction device, also known as an ethical bribe or free taste, is the information that you give away on your site in exchange for a visitor’s name and email address. I call it a client

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Blog Marketing: 4 Best-Kept Secret Strategies to Double Your Blog Subscribers

Despite the popularity of RSS feeds, it seems as though many blog readers still prefer to get blog updates via email.  Plus, I have no idea of how many people read my blog through an RSS reader, as there

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Article Marketing: How to Use Keywords to Optimize Your Articles for Greater Traffic

Article marketing — is it the panacea to getting more traffic to your site?  I’ll have to give this strategy a big thumbs-up, as this one strategy is responsible for the greatest amount of traffic

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Ethics of Giving Your Product Away for a Testimonial

I was watching TV this weekend and happened to see a commercial for The Total Transformation Program, (, which helps parents transform their child's behavior from that

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