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Top 10 Tweaks Your Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant Can Make to Your Web Site to Massively Increase Your Traffic

web_trafficKeeping up with the latest in social media and search engine optimization (SEO) can be overwhelming, but an Internet marketing virtual assistant (IMVA) can help ease some of the burden.  Most IMVAs are search-engine-savvy and should be able to check your web site to ensure that your site is fully optimized to help improve your rankings on search engines, as well as increase your visibility on social media.

Here are ten tweaks that your Internet marketing virtual assistant can employ to increase your web site traffic:

1. Meta tags on each page and post.  While meta tags aren’t a “quick fix” that will catapult you to the top of search engine rankings, they can be helpful if they are used correctly. Meta tags are page data tags that use HTML to tell browsers specific information about a page. While text isn’t necessary, it does explain the function of the page in language the browser can understand.

Here is an example:


<title>Not a Meta Tag, but still required </title>

<meta name=”description” content=”Description Here”>

<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html;charset=UTF-8″>



Using the meta tags correctly will play an important role in the visibility of your site, and an Internet marketing virtual assistant can help get you there.

2. Alt text for your images

The next important part of the algorithm is to effectively optimize your images. Images can help increase your traffic, but only if they aren’t ignored. Alt tags also require HTML in order for search engine spiders to read what is present. For example:

<img src=”dancing-frog.jpg” alt=Dancing Frog” />

Taking the time to do this for every picture can result in huge amounts of traffic, especially if your alt image tags contain your keywords.

3. Keyword-rich permalinks

While permalinks are automatically generated for your website, they won’t help unless they have been optimized. The original permalinks can look quite ugly: “″. Pretty permalinks rewrite your access file to allow you to change a string of numbers and symbols into the name of your post.  When that post contains keywords that help search engines identify the content, more traffic is driven to your site.

4. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an SEO information site that gives you a rather detailed yet complicated report of a number of metrics. From the number of clicks that your page receives and how many times it shows up in searches, it can be a very powerful tool if you know how to use it.  Your IMVA should ensure that Google Analytics is installed on your site and should set up regular email reports on how your site is performing.

5. Site Map

Think of your site map as the key to usability, not just for customers but also for search engines. Site maps can be done in HTML and XML to target both humans and search engine spiders. In addition, your site map gives you more links to all of your pages, which can help rankings as well.  An Internet marketing virtual assistant will ensure that the appropriate site maps are installed on your site.

6. Links to social media sites

In today’s “social” Internet, enough cannot be said about having links to the social media sites on which you participate. People want to stay connected with you and your brand.  Your IMVA can make that easy for your customers and prospects by ensuring that your site links directly to your social media profiles.

7. Landing page and opt-in form for free giveaway

A landing page with an opt-in form allows you to grow your marketing list via the people who are visiting your site. If you offer them something of value, like an ebook, in exchange for their name and email address, you can easily begin to build a list of prospective customers. Your Internet marketing VA will be able to create a landing page with an opt-in form on your site.

8. Increase internal links

Need to give a particular page a rankings boost? Link to it from existing high authority pages on your site can help the target page to rank better. Here’s what your Internet marketing VA can do:

  • Make a list of target pages you’d like to rank better.
  • Identify the pages on your website that currently have the most authority and “SEO juice.”
  • Add a link from your authority page(s) to your target page(s).
  • Incorporate the link naturally on the authority page using anchor text related to the keyword for which you’d like the target page to rank.

9. Update content frequently

The best way to attract search engines to your site is to update your content frequently.  The easiest way to do this is to post to your blog at least once a week.  You can give your content to your IM virtual assistant and she can post an optimized version on your blog to bring you more traffic to your site.

10. Enhance off-page SEO

Your IM virtual assistant can achieve this through content syndication sites, classified ad sites, business listing sites, video sites, and business listing sites like Google Plus for Business, Manta, and Merchant Circle.  In this way, your business can dominate the first page of Google when a search for your business shows the listings for your company on various sites.

An Internet marketing virtual assistant is a valuable member of your team and can easily tweak your web site so that you get a large amount of traffic on an ongoing basis.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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