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Category Archives for Selling

Triple Your Opt-in Conversions with an Email Course

For years, I’ve been giving away a PDF guide and checklist as my lead magnet to entice prospects to sign up for my list.  This strategy has served me well as a way to grow my list. However, what I’ve

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How to Turn Your Best Clients Into Raving Fans

Once you have done your best in serving your clients, you want to turn your best clients into raving fans. Most consumers trust their friends, family, influencers, and experts to make recommendations about

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10 Most Effective Questions for Take-Action Client Testimonials

Client testimonials can make or break a web site or a business. They are a vital factor in establishing a relationship of trust with new visitors to your site.  Visitors want to see that others just like

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Signature System: 5 Proven Steps to Creating a Signature Program That Attracts Clients Like Crazy

If you teach what you know in some way (as a speaker, author, coach, trainer, or consultant), you’ll soon discover that no one buys training, consulting or coaching. They buy a solution to their problems.

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The Art of the Upsell

You’ve filled your funnel and you’re starting to see a steady stream of new clients in your business. Congrats! That’s a great start to building a rock-solid business you love. However, the work

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