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How to Turn Your Best Clients Into Raving Fans

How to Turn Your Best Clients Into Raving Fans

Once you have done your best in serving your clients, you want to turn your best clients into raving fans. Most consumers trust their friends, family, influencers, and experts to make recommendations about products and services to them. In addition, there are many ways to make recommendations – from online testimonials to video testimonials to direct mentions from the customer. They all work to some degree. 

To encourage your clients to provide referrals, you can take some steps in advance that set everything up to turn your best clients into your biggest assets and ultimately, get glowing testimonials and reviews from them.

Here are eight ways to turn your best clients into raving fans:

1. Be Excellent – The better you do your job, the more pride with which your clients can recommend you to others. If you provide excellent products and services, your clients will be happy to provide referrals when asked to do so.

2. Ask Clients to Refer You – Ask your clients to offer referrals to their friends and family who need your products or services. Give them some literature and information about your offerings so that they can easily share them.

3. Create an Active Online Community – Use a private Facebook group or tech support ticket system to create an online community that can help spread the word of your good services and products fast to those who need them.

4. Build a Long-Term Relationship – Focus on relationship building over the long term and you will create true raving fans that are eager to recommend your business. When you have a real relationship with someone, they’re that much more likely to tell others about you.

5. Create a Formal Referral Program – Offer discounts or other incentives to colleagues, vendors, current clients, friends and family to refer or recommend your business. 

6. Use Social Media Strategically – Offer a coupon code for consumers “liking” or “following” your brand on social media, and encourage them to share. Offering sign-up incentives for newsletters and more always helps get the word out about your services.

7. Market Your Testimonials – When someone gives you a raving testimonial, turn it into a meme, ask for a recording, put it into many formats and then publish it and market it across all channels. Market your testimonials as you could other types of content.

8. Follow Up – Always follow up with clients who have provided referrals to you by offering them a discount, a thank you note, and acknowledgment. The more you follow up after a positive referral, the more likely they will continue doing it.

Word-of-mouth referrals are over 50 percent more effective than other forms of marketing. If you want to develop a long-term business, the best way to ensure that it really is a long-term business is to encourage word-of-mouth marketing in every way that you can and turn your best clients into raving fans.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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