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Category Archives for Life of an Online Biz Owner

Back in the Saddle Again…Kinda

Well, I survived major hurricane #6 since 2005, Hurricane Laura. And, I have to admit, I’m completed knackered, as they would say in the UK. If you haven’t been following my journey on Facebook,

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Making Dreams Come True

Ever watch a really engaging movie and wish that you had the life of the character on the screen?  Perhaps the character was a rich heiress who had the freedom to travel the world or was a dad of two

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Why Donna Has Been MIA

Well, you may have noticed by now that I’ve been missing in action for the last month or so.  No emails, no newsletters, few social networking updates. There’s a pretty good reason for

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The Magic of 11

In addition to being Veterans Day here in the U.S., 11-11-11 is that rare blip on the calendar when the numeric month, day and last two digits of the year match in perfect, and in this case palindromic,

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Holiday Madness

Contrary to better advice, Eric and I chose to make a foray into the mad world of holiday shoppers this past Saturday. After our harried experience with our shopping trip the weekend before last, we

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