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Category Archives for It’s Just Business

Stop Showing Your Butt

As a child, some of my strongest memories are the times when my mother would tell me to quit showing my butt.  I say memories, plural, for there were quite a number of them. I was a willful, stubborn,

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No Working with Broke-Ass Clients

Many years ago in a galaxy far, far, away, there lived an Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant named Donna.  At the time, Donna had a full practice and was loving the work she was doing. As was wont to

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When You Love What You Do, It Shows

You’ve probably heard the adage, “do what you love and the money will follow.”  It’s also the name of a book published in 1987 by Marsha Sinetar. Yes, my age is showing..:) However, I didn’t

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The Feast or Famine Syndrome

It always seems to be feast or famine in this business..:).  In addition to handling my coaching clients and online biz management clients, I’ve got several projects in progress and opportunities

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When is a Gift Not a Gift?

This morning I received an email from a coach whose email list I’m on.  In it, she requested that I participate in a quick survey, and that my "reward" would be a gift worth $20. 

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