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Category Archives for Hurricane Rita

Getting Settled In

My sister, niece, Eric and I checked in at the Community Church with Jen, who I learned later was a member of the Sabine Pass Coast Guard. The entire Coast Guard unit at Sabine Pass TX, had evacuated

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The Calm Before the Storm

Friday morning arrived only too soon. As I walked outside that morning, I marveled at the beauty of the day.  The sun was out, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and it was a perfect 75 degrees

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Evacuation Hell

Eric and I decided to each take our own vehicle, rather than just traveling in one.  He said that he couldn’t bear to lose both his house and his car, so if his house were destroyed, he’d

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Running from Rita

This morning, at 6 AM, I got the call I had been dreading from a close friend.  A mandatory evacuation had been issued for Jefferson County, Texas, where I live, because of the impending landfall

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