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Getting Back on the Horse

It's been awhile since I have offered any programs
where I teach and train. Teaching is something I love to do, but I've basically
been content to rest on my laurels for the past year and not create any new info
products or programs (until now). I guess I could blame it on a bad year — the
events of my personal life really took a toll on me in the last half of 2008 –
and it's taken me awhile to regain my footing.
Sometimes, though, I think you just need to coast and be content with that. I
wasn't sure where I wanted to take my business or how I wanted to get there in
2009, and now 2009 is almost over, like the year that never was…. So, sitting
in indecision until my direction was shown to me is what I chose to do, rather
than choosing to engage in an uphill struggle of trying multiple things, none of
which would work because I'm too attached to the doing rather than the being.
Trust me, it's taken 46 years to get to this point, as I've ALWAYS been a take
action kinda gal. It's always been difficult for me to sit there and do nothing.
I guess that mindset comes from my childhood when my grandpa would come over
early on Saturday morning to drink coffee with my mom (he lived across the cow
pasture from us) when I was a teenager. If we (my siblings and I) weren't up by
8 AM (and we rarely were on Saturdays), I'd hear him tell my mom, "Are them
kids still asleep, Jimmie Helen? You need to git them kids outta bed — the
day's just a wastin' away." Grandpa was a hard worker and didn't waste many
days. In fact, he climbed out onto his roof to repair it at age 87 just 3 short
weeks before he passed away in 1984.
So, I guess Grandpa would have a fit if he saw how many days I let waste away
this past year. I'd have to tell him, "Ya know, Grandpa, sometimes wastin' days
is just good for the soul."

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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