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A Time for Thanks

Well, it looks like Eric and I will be homebound
this year for Thanksgiving. He is recovering from a nasty cold and hasn't been
able to take off from work to rest and recuperate properly because his employer
is so short-handed. And this year, unlike years past, he also has to work the
weekend after Thanksgiving, which really leaves us no time for any type of
celebration. It's just as well, since Eric has generously bestowed his cold upon
me this week. I'm up and about a bit between naps, but don't really feel like
eating anything other than chicken noodle soup at this point. We had planned to
head to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner, as they are the
only place still open on Thanksgiving who will still be serving Thanksgiving
fare by the time Eric gets off work, but it appears that instead we'll both be
sipping chicken noodle soup at home, unless I make a miraculous recovery. <g>

But, despite our lack of a Thanksgiving celebration, I didn't want the time to
pass without extending my thanks and gratitude to you. I have treasured you as a
subscriber (some of you for nearly a decade, believe it or not!) and want you to
know that as I count my blessings at this time of year, I count you among them.
You have been so supportive of me, both personally and professionally, in the
past year.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, rather than sharing an article with you today, I
wanted to share a Thanksgiving prayer that I discovered online. Be warned — it
might make you a bit hungry!

A Prayer Of Thanksgiving
by Max Coots

Let us give thanks for a bounty of people.

For children who are our second planting, and though they grow like weeds and
the wind too soon blows them away, may they forgive us our cultivation and
fondly remember where their roots are.

Let us give thanks…

For generous friends…with hearts as big as hubbards and smiles as bright as
their blossoms;

For feisty friends as tart as apples;

For continuous friends, who, like scallions and cucumbers, keep reminding us we
had them;

For crotchety friends, as sour as rhubarb and as indestructible;

For handsome friends, who are as gorgeous as eggplants and as elegant as a row
of corn — and the others — as plain as potatoes, and so good for you.

For funny friends, who are as silly as brussels sprouts and as amusing as
Jerusalem artichokes, and serious friends as complex as cauliflowers and as
intricate as onions;

For friends as unpretentious as cabbages, as subtle as summer squash, as
persistent as parsley, as delightful as dill, as endless as zucchini, and who –
like parsnips — can be counted on to see you through the long winter;

For old friends, nodding like sunflowers in the evening-time, and young friends
coming on as fast as radishes;

For loving friends, who wind around as like tendrils, and hold us despite our
blights, wilts, and witherings;

And finally, for those friends now gone, like gardens past, that have been
harvested – but who fed us in their times that we might have life thereafter;

For all these we give thanks.


Reprinted with the author's kind
permission. Reverend Max Coots is the Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian
Universalist Church in Canton, New York. © Max Coots.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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