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Free email marketing service

Q:  I am looking for a free e-zine site that contains automatic subscription sign ups,counts click throughs and can be set up to look like a website. I subscribed to Yahoo Groups but thet don't have the ability to build out to look like a web site or to add features that would collect newsletter subscribers. Do I have to pay a contact site?


A:  Hi Rev Goldstien–

I'm not aware of a service that has all the features that you mention that is free of charge.

Here are a couple of options for you:

1.  Email Marketing Service:  Subscribe to an email marketing service like or  The first of these is a full-fledged shopping cart, which includes the ability to send out newsletters and has the ability to create a subscription form, which you can add into your site.

The second of these is an email marketing service only and also offers the ability to create a subscription form, which you can add to your site.

2.  Create a blogsite.  You can create a blogsite (blog/website hybrid) by using either the open-source version of, or by purchasing a subscription to Typepad.  While neither of these programs offer the option of automatic subscription signups, counting of clickthroughs, etc., you can get some of that functionality by integrating free services like Feedburner or Feedblitz to handle your blog feed subscriptions.  In this way you can "publish" an email newsletter as a blog post and anyone subscribed to your feed will receive the issue. is free of charge because it's open source software, but you need some technical know-how to install it and customize it, and as with all open source software, there's no tech support for it, except what you must find yourself by searching through user forums.  You'll also need to buy a website hosting account to host it.

You can set up a Typepad blog for as little as $4.95/month. Hosting and tech support are both included with your account.

If you'd like more info about how to set up a blog or email marketing service to help you get the word out about your business, consider a membership to

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About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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