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Create a Viral Marketing Strategy to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Viral marketing can best be described as a marketing
campaign that permits you to reach a large number of people
quickly online, much in the same way a human cold virus
might spread throughout an office complex. 

The online equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing, viral marketing permits
people to pass along marketing material to friends, customers, and colleagues so
that the marketing campaign catches on and spreads like wildfire. Because many
online distribution channels are free or low cost, viral marketing is possibly
the most cost-effective Internet marketing technique out there. Once you’ve
launched your viral marketing campaign, it has the capability grow and spread
automatically for years.

With a well-thought out and implemented viral marketing campaign, you can:

  • increase targeted traffic to your site
  • build brand recognition
  • increase your link popularity
  • collect contact information from targeted prospects

Two of the most common viral marketing strategies I’ve seen implemented are
viral movies and viral ebooks.  Movies can be quite costly to produce, but with
the increasing popularity of video viewing sites like
YouTube, your ROI (return on investment)
may be the highest from this form of viral marketing.
The Time Movie was the movie that
introduced me to the concept of video viral marketing.  It’s short, compelling,
and evokes an emotional response from the viewer — all important attributes to
ensure that people pass it along to each other. 

One of the best viral ebook creators is Seth
, who had over 1,000,000 people download his ebook,
Unleashing the Ideavirus
. It’s
still one of the most discussed marketing books around, and Seth has had similar
success and gained a great following by giving away other ebooks he wrote, as
well.  Most of these ebooks are now for sale as paperbacks, and I’m sure this
viral marketing strategy led to very high sales of his printed books.  At the
very least, the strategy has pushed him to the top of the list of marketing

How can you create a viral marketing strategy to drive traffic to your website? 
Here’s a step-by-step process:

1.  Determine what you’re giving away.  Will you make a movie, write an
ebook, create an ecourse, or have a special piece of software written for you? 
The key to success in picking your product is to make sure that it solves a big
problem experienced by your target market.  You may also locate your giveaway by
using something that someone else has created that permits you to brand it with
your company information. (Get an example below in my resource box).

2.  Brand the product.  Make sure that your logo, your website URL,
and/or your tagline is on the viral marketing piece.  You want anyone who
downloads this viral marketing product to be able to link back to your website,
just as you would want someone to be able to contact your brick-and-mortal store
when you provide a promotional giveaway like a pen, coffee cup, mousepad, etc.

3.  Set up delivery process.  Will visitors be able to download the
software directly from your site, or will they have to provide their contact
information?  The best option is to give it away with no strings attached.
However, on the page in which you offer the download, you can offer visitors yet
another gift, one that requires their contact info to receive.

4.  Give away the rights.  If you’d like to really jump start the viral
marketing process, give people the rights to give away your viral marketing
piece to their own customers.

5.  Rebrand the item.  If you permit people to rebrand the giveaway with
some of their contact info or affiliate links, as well, they will really be
motivated to pass along your viral marketing piece.

6.  Announce the availability of the item.  Write an article or a press
release about your viral marketing item.  Announce its availability to your
contact database or ezine list.  Ask your readers or visitors to your blog to
announce it to their lists or just simply give it away.

Want to check out my viral marketing tool?  Pick it up here at:

Capturing the power of viral marketing is a simple and cost-effective strategy
to drive traffic to your website.  If implemented properly, who knows how much
fame and fortune this technique could bring you?

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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