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Manifesting What You Want by Asking for Help

From my earliest days, I’ve been a planner.  I’ve always been the one to organize people, places, and things and can easily see in my head how something should be put together and can then make it happen.  I recently relocated to Texas from Arkansas without a solid plan for finding a place to live.  This has been something of a scary time for me, as it’s not something that I’m accustomed to doing.  I had looked for several months prior to my move for an apartment/house, and nothing had come to the forefront as being attractive to me.

So, instead, I asked for help (also tough for me to do) and got the word out among the members of the Unitarian Church I used to attend that I was seeking housing and/or a housesitting arrangement.  Within a week of asking for help, one of the members referred me to a new member who was seeking a housesitter for the summer.  I made the trek to Texas to meet her, we hit it off, and I accepted the assignment.  Whew!  That gave me 2 more months to find housing.

So, I relocated in July, and began my search for housing in earnest in August. I burned alot of gasoline going from place to place in vain, as nothing measured up to what I was seeking.

As I was driving to church last Sunday, I sent a silent plea to the universe that I really needed some help with this issue.  At church, our minister was back from summer break, and I hadn’t spoken with him since my return.  We caught up, and I was telling him about my situation, and he immediately suggested contacting another church member who I hadn’t seen since my return — a church member who owned several rental units.

As synchronicity would have it (and I choose to believe it’s much more than luck at work here!), I spoke with a good friend of this member, who let me know that the member’s parents had just moved out of one of his properties and that he was seeking to fill that position.

I made an appointment with this member, looked at the duplex and the neighborhood, and loved it!  I told him I was interested, and he was happy to rent to me, and my problem was solved.  Moreover, he threw in a refrigerator (which I no longer own) and lawn care (which I hate to do) at no additional cost!  People had told me that there was no way I could find what I was seeking for the price I wanted to pay, but I held the vision (although I was getting pretty nervous there toward the end <g>) and got just about what I wanted.

It’s amazing what happens when you let others do what they do best — extending help.  And, as much as I chafed at not knowing, my present was perfect and things happened just as they should.

Wish me luck in my move! :)

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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