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I Did This Just For You!

A new month, and a new start!!  Well, it’s almost December..;)

I wanted to share a little bit of information with you about how I refocus on my business at the start of each month.

The truth is I have a short attention span… It’s easy for me to get distracted by something shiny and new all the time. I call this the BSOS (Bright Shiny Object Syndrome).

I’m always looking for the “magical solution” to making my life and business easier somehow. I love to try out new strategies and tools while I tell myself the old ones aren’t working anymore.

But you know what ACTUALLY works???


Yep…. that’s it … consistency. I know that consistency isn’t super shiny and new. In fact, it’s kinda boring. It’s just doing more of the same old stuff over and over again.

It can be be easy to get distracted AND bored when when you’re being consistent, but if you’re in this biz thing for the long-term (aka ’till you die!!) like me, then consistency really is THE game-changer.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners over the past 19 years and you know who get the biggest AND most powerful results??

The ones who are wiling to put in the work consistently a on few key tasks (rather than put in work consistently on a million tasks) get the most traction and the biggest results like a booked out schedule with ideal clients, successful launches, and MORE money in their bank accounts.

Putting your focus on just a a few tasks consistently can be one of the scariest things you can do.

I know what you’re thinking — YIKES! I can’t do that — it’s scary to put all of my eggs into one basket.

And it’s easy to get distracted and forget what you’re supposed to stay focused on.

This is why I have a special strategy that I use at the start of each month to get re-focused.

The strategy consists of:

1. Identifying a clear goal for the month (that is a smaller chunk of my annual goal)
2. Identifying the key action steps I need to take each day to reach that goal
3. Taking action on those steps for a set amount of time every day (from 15-45 minutes — you choose your amount of time)
4. And keeping track of all of this in a Daily Action Marketing Group.

Of course the magic is in #3 and #4 — because if you don’t take daily action on steps AND track those in a supportive environment, then it’s going to be 100x harder to hit your goal. Then what happens? You get frustrated and distracted and your consistency goes to hell in a handbasket.

This can be tricky to figure out on your own, so if you haven’t gotten the traction you wanted this year (and by traction I mean if you’re not making the money you want to make in your business!), then I encourage you to sign up for a 4-week Daily Action Marketing group.

I named this group Daily Marketing Action because isn’t almost everything you do for your business, whether that’s update a website, create a new program, launch a new service, or plan a launch all about getting the word out about your business so that your prospects buy from you? Of course it is!

During our time together, you’ll discover what goal you should focus on, and then break it down into actionable steps that you devote a set amount of time to implement every day. Then, you log into our system and answer a few questions to report on your progress each day. You are a success simply by devoting the time to your task and and reporting in on it daily.

Best of all, you can do this for the low investment of $97 per 4-week period. This is charter pricing that will be increased to $127/month after the charter registration period ends. However, if you stay enrolled with the program, you’ll be grandfathered in at the charter price.

Enrollment for December’s session ends Friday, December 1.

Click here to enroll:

This strategy really works — one of my clients who has been following this consistently actually emailed me this morning to say that she has seen growth in ALL areas of her business (income, website traffic, social media growth, and more!!) by consistently taking one daily action.

Can’t wait to help you determine your 4-week goal!

P.S. If you’re frustrated with following new shiny objects and not getting the results you were seeking, check out this program today!

P.S. Bonus — the first 3 who register will receive a complimentary 45-minute strategy session with me that you can use in any way you like — pick my brain, help sort out your marketing calendar, figure out a business challenge –you name it! Typically I charge $397 for this, but if you are one of the first 3 registrants, you get this free! You can use this session anytime during the 28 days of the program.

P.P.P.S. Got questions? Just comment below and ask!

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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