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Archive Monthly Archives: May 2010

Feeling Energized and Renewed

Isn't it really great when all of the pieces fall into place? I love when that happens! I spent the better part of last weekend in full brainstorming mode. I had just listened to

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When I was working on my business plan documents late last year, I went in search of a software writing solution that would let me tab easily between documents, as I had multiple Word

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Recovery and Rebranding

I managed to survive my computer crisis pretty well last week, as my backup laptop, to which I have my desktop synchronized, served me pretty well while my desktop PC was having a new motherboard installed. 

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Drive Traffic to Your Site with a 6-Step Blog Comments Blueprint

One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your web site is by commenting on other people’s blogs.  However, a vast majority of people don’t do this the right way.  Their primary traffic

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