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Archive Monthly Archives: September 2008

Hurricane Ike Slide Show

My sister-in-law, Jennifer, sent me a PowerPoint file containing a variety of pics showing the devastation of Hurricane Ike.  I've converted this into a slide show so that you can watch them

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The Return Home After Ike

Eric was called back to work last Thursday and had to head home before me.  I came back late Saturday night.  We were quite blessed in that our home had little damage and no debris in the yard. 

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Hurricane Ike Miracle

Eric returned to our house in Orange late yesterday, as he's been called into work for 8 AM this morning.  He told me that it's like nothing ever happened to the house — no yard debris,

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Stick a Fork in Me

I thought that the worst was over last week, when "WHAM!", I'm hit again.  I'm now writing this shortened ezine from my hotel room in Little Rock, AR.  For those of you

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How Many Trees Could a Hurricane Fell if a Hurricane Could Fell Trees?

My brother lives in the booming metropolis of Cut 'n Shoot, TX.  Yep, that's the real name — I couldn't make something like that up..LOL.   It's a small rural

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