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Archive Monthly Archives: September 2006

How Returning a Phone Call Turned into $8,000.00

Recently, my sweetie, Eric, decided that he no longer wanted to have anything to do with our yard maintenance (like mowing, weed whacking, edging etc.).  Additionally, we had some pretty overgrown,

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Multiple Memories of 9/11

Today is the day marking the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as well as the crash of Fight 93, a flight that was said to be on its way to the White

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Automatic Date Script

Ever been to a web site and see the current day, date, and time greeting you at the top of a page?  I have, and have always wondered what bit of programming was needed to do that. Well, I found the

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Where Did the Summer Go?

Our last 3-day weekend of the year in the US, Labor Day weekend, came and went this past weekend. Eric and I must understand Labor Day to be a day (weekend) where you work like dogs, rather than taking

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Help! My Client’s Web Site Isn’t Making Any Money

Q.  Hi Donna!  This question is really for one of my clients–she’s in very specialized field and very frustrated with her online (and offline) marketing efforts.  A couple of

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