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Archive Monthly Archives: July 2006

10 Offline Tightwad Marketing Strategies to Help You Get More Clients

Several years ago, in response to client requests for no-cost or low-cost marketing techniques, I coined the term "tightwad marketing".  My definition of tightwad marketing is the art of

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Cliff notes to understand Web Stat reports?

Here’s a new blog feature I’m beginning this week. if you have a question about online marketing, be sure and submit it at Ask Donna Gunter. I’ll reprint both the question and answer

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10 Steps to Creating Your Internet Marketing Plan

If you’re the owner of a small service business, having a solid Internet marketing plan in place can both increase your name and brand recognition locally in your geographic area, as well as expose

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An Aspiring Author is Born!

There’s nothing like attending a great conference to energize and rejuvenate you.  I just returned from speaking at the eWomen Publishing Network Conference in Dallas.  Although it was

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Speaking at the eWomen Publishing Network Conference

I just got back into town from my speaking gig at the eWomen Publishing Network Conference in Dallas.  I absorbed lots of great info for authors who want to self-publish, and met a number of great

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