Q: Could you tell me how the right percentage of keywords in my meta tags?Reece A: Hi Reece! Great question! Actually, there are three primary of metatags to consider. A metatag
Continue readingQ: Do you use a SEO service? Kathy A: Hi Kathy– No, I don't use an SEO service. I did hire one about 6 years ago, but the info that they found for me in a keyword search
Continue readingFirst of all, this site has no official affiliation with Google, although it uses the Google search engine in the "fight." While I don’t endorse the metaphor they use for GoogleFight
Continue readingI just Googled the term "internet marketing virtual assistant" and discovered that my online business manager site, SOHOBizSolutions.com, is #1 in organic results for that term. Pretty
Continue readingWant to know how your website looks to a search engine? How about the effectiveness of your meta tags? What about the keyword density on your home page? If you want to get started with
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