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Increase Facebook Fans: 10 Killer Posting Tips to Enhance Fan Engagement

Increase Facebook Fans: 10 Killer Posting Tips to Enhance Fan EngagementNow that you have a Facebook business page, how do you maximize your Facebook marketing and  increase Facebook fans and enhance your fan engagement?

Simple.  You  want to get people talking about you and your brand. The more your fans are talking about you, the more engaged they become, which helps them on the like, know and trust journey for your business and your brand.

The best way to increase your fan engagement is through posts on your Facebook business page.  When you begin to engage your fans, you’ll also discover that you will increase Facebook fans as well.

Here are 10 posting strategies you can use in your Facebook marketing to increase Facebook fans and increase your fan engagement:

1.  Daily Question:  Fill in the kind of question with something pertinent to your industry, like Daily Marketing Question, Daily Health Question, Daily Design Question.  You want to make the question provocative and likely to attract strong opinions. I might ask the following:  {Daily Marketing Question}:  Do you think Pinterest is useful for marketing or a complete waste of time?  Tell me your thoughts!

2.  Photo of the Day:  Again fill in the kind of photo with something related to your industry, like and find a photo that will evoke a strong response.  If you can’t find photos, then think about sharing images instead. You can create quote images using quotes from your own materials or from other notables in your industry, or create images that share an upcoming program or new service that you’re offering.

3.  Share tips, ideas, and answers to questions. You can have your email marketing program or blog RSS feed program automatically share tips from those two places,  However, be sure to share “live” posts on your page at least once a day, and don’t share posts that sell but instead share information that’s valuable to your community.

4.  Posting times.  Post at times when your target market is likely to be listening.  Use Facebook Insights to determine when your fans are actually looking at and responding to your posts.  Keep in mind that the times shown are in US Pacific time.

5.  Link back to your site. If you’re posting an image that references an upcoming program or new service, for example, you’ll want to note the full URL before the image, since the image itself cannot link to a URL where your fans can get more information.

6.  Shorten and track URLs.  Want to track the URLs you list in your posts on your Facebook business page so that you can see how they are doing?  Use the link shortener service found at bitly or the Pretty Link plugin for WordPress.

7.  Succinct content. Even thought you have the option of creating a post of up to 5000 characters, longer posts have been linked to less engagement. Create posts that are 140 characters or less for better fan engagement.  Studies have shown that shorter posts get shared more often.

8.  Keep conversation going.  Don’t leave your fans hanging.  Ensure that a regular Facebook marketing practice is to log in daily to visit your page and respond to wall posts, questions, and comments that fans leave on your Facebook business page.

9.  Share videos. Visitors love videos, as demonstrated by the popularity of Youtube.  Create a quick video to explain something and let your fans get to know you better and post that on your Facebook business page.

10.  Recognize individuals. If you’re following these tips, you should be gaining new fans each day.  Take a look at your most recent fans and send them an individual message to thank them for becoming your fan or to comment on something about them or their business.  They will appreciate the recognition!

Creating a Facebook business page is the easy part.  Making it work for your business is a bit more difficult. Start using these strategies today today in your Facebook marketing to increase Facebook fans and enhance your fan engagement.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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