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Increase Email Conversions by Keeping Emails Simple

Increase Email Conversion Rate by Keeping Emails Simple

I like to walk my talk, and hopefully, I’m doing that here lately regarding my email marketing and by default, my email conversion rate. What is email conversion rate?  It can refer to a number of things, from the number of emails that are opened each time you send a broadcast to the number of emails that result in a call to action, like a purchase.

What I’ve been attempting to do is to make my email broadcasts much simpler than they were in past years. In email marketing, it’s pretty easy to confuse your readers to the point that they do not take action.

If you want to improve email conversions, consider the following.

Know Your Audience – The best thing you can do for your business is to understand your audience backward and forwards. The more you know for whom you’re crafting emails, the better you can word everything to get the response you want.

Craft Subject Lines That Create Curiosity – Your first line of defense is the subject line of your email. If your subject line doesn’t make the reader curious enough to open the email to read the rest, nothing else matters.

Use Bulleted Information – Inside the email message, be sure to make the information easy to absorb. One way to do this is to use bulleted information and lists. People read online differently than they read a book. They read vertically instead of horizontally; therefore, make the information match where the eye goes.

Have One Focus per Email – Instead of giving too much information and too many options for purchasing something, make your email focused on one item and one offer. You can always upsell and cross-sell at the point of checkout, but for the purposes of the email, make the focus on one thing only.

Provide One Link per Email – Don’t overwhelm your audience with ten links to different items in your emails. Instead, provide one link for the focused information that you want to get across to your audience. One link gives them one thing to do.

Know Your Specific Call to Action – If you can identify the one thing you want your audience to do after reading your email, then it will be easier for you to design the subject line, headline, and email to match.

Keep It Short and Simple – Super long emails don’t translate well because most people just want to know what the point is and move on from the email. Take out extraneous words and get to the point in your emails for faster action.

Understanding that you can increase email conversions by being more focused on each email that you send doesn’t mean you can’t promote more than one item in your email messages. However, focusing each message on one promotion will get you further than too many promotions in one email. The reason is that you avoid confusion and increase your email conversion rate by telling your audience about one offer at a time.

Creating an email marketing plan is one of the best ways to build a business. It’s also one of the best ways to generate new prospects for your website.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create an email marketing plan, or schedule a 1:1 Marketing Rescue Session to explore the best options for you.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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